Sunday, November 30, 2014

Post 4: November 30 2014

It's been confirmed. The shadow-people are real. They exist. I'm not the only one who can see them. I'm not crazy, even though others cannot see them, in the same way that not everybody can feel God's presence in their lives. Damian sees them as well, hears their commanding voices and feels their presence. They're real and I'm not their only victim!
"We're the weirdoes of this world, the freaks... and we see them. What if their the outcast of theirs and that's why we could see them? Since we're both crazy, maybe that's why could communicate with each other? Doesn't that make sense?"
"Maybe we see the real world, but the others, their minds are being controlled? What if they're the crazy ones?" I asked, and we laughed.
Nobody believed us, they say that it's not real. They just can't see it. The King has them under control. I'm one of those whom managed to see the real world. The thing about the Shadow-People is that they hadly show themselves, if there's other people- real ones- or speak to you. The King wants others to think I'm crazy so that they don't believe me and see the real world or even consider what I'm saying. The real world can be terrifying, but at least I know that I can see what's real.
I need to free others, I need someone out there who believes me. Is anyone out there, who's also human like me?

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